Dry Up Rat and Mouse Bar (4lbs)
*Product Type: Bait
*Product Form: Blocks
*Animal Type: Mice and Rats
*Container Size: 16 oz.
*Number in Package: 4 pk
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*All-Weather: Yes
*Safe for Pets: No
*Packaging Type: Boxed
Tomcat Refillable Bait Station For Rats *Trap Type: Refillable *Product Type: Bait Station *Animal Type: Rats & Mice*Collapsible: No *Material: Plastic *Assembly Required: No *Includes: 1 rat station and fifteen 30 gram bait blocks *Weather and tamper resistant by kids and dogs *Effectively kills rats and mice while providing the highest level of station security *Active Ingredient: Bromethalin *For use indoors and outdoors *See-thru window for easy bait monitoring
*Toxic or Non-Toxic: Non-Toxic
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Product Form: Blocks
*Animal Type: Mice and Rats
*Number in Package: 2 pk
*All-Weather: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Safe for Pets: Yes
Brand Name: D-Con
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Similar to Ace No. 7603889 and 7566805
20-CT REFIL MSE BAIT STN 6/CS *Sub Brand: Fast-Kill *Product Type: Bait Station *Animal Type: Mice *Number in Package: 1 pk *Animal Size: Small *Assembly Required: No *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor *Safe for Pets: No *Refillable: Yes * Number of Blocks: 20 block *Discovery ACC
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Product Form: Blocks
*Animal Type: Mice
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Pets: No
*Active Ingredient: Cholecalciferol
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*2 entry locations
*Place in corners
*Child and pet tamper resistant
*Formulated to encourage repetitive feeding
*Includes one refillable bait station and 12 refill bait blocks
*New formula, Replaces Ace No. 7385743
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Product Form: Blocks
*Animal Type: Mice
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Active Ingredient: Cholecalciferol
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*2 entry locations
*Place in corners
*Child and pet tamper resistant
*Formulated to encourage repetitive feeding
*Includes 1 bait station and 20 bait blocks
*New formula, Replaces Ace No. 7566755
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Product Form: Blocks
*Animal Type: Mice
*Active Ingredient: Cholecalciferol
*Safe for Pets: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*2 entry locations
*Place in corners
*Child and pet tamper resistant
*Formulated to encourage repetitive feeding
*Includes one refillable bait station and 6 refill bait blocks
*New formula, Replaces Ace No. 7385735
Victor Disposable Mouse Bait Station 2 pac *Sub Brand: Fast-Kill *Toxic or Non-Toxic: Toxic *Product Type: Bait Station*Animal Type: Mice *Container Size: 0.75 *Number in Package: 2 pk *All-Weather: Yes *Packaging Type: Boxed *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor *Safe for Pets: No *Discovery ACC
Prevent Bait Access.
Victor Rat Bait Station Refill 8 pack *Sub Brand: Fast-Kill *Toxic or Non-Toxic: Toxic *Product Type: Bait Station and Bait *Product Form: Blocks *Animal Type: Mice and Rats *Number in Package: 8 pk *Safe for Pets: No *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor *Packaging Type: Boxed *Discovery ACC
Brand Name: Intruder
*Product Type: Snap Trap
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 2 pk
*Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
*Depth: 7.62 in.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Animal Size: Small
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Width: 5 in.
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Height: 1.75 in.
*5: in
*7.62: in
Tomcat Disposable Bait Station For Mice
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 2 pk
Tomcat Disposable Bait Station For Mice *Trap Type: Disposable *Product Type: Bait Station *Animal Type: Mice *Number in Package: 4 pk *Material: Plastic *Collapsible: No *Assembly Required: No *Sealed bait stations are child resistant *Pre-loaded with 1 ounce block bait *Each bait block kills up to 12 mice *For indoor use only *Active ingredient: Bromethalin *Clear lid for easy bait monitoring *Use indoors
Tomcat Small Disposable Bait Station F
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Safe for Pets: Yes
Tomcat Disposable Bait Station For Rats *Trap Type: Disposable *Product Type: Bait Station *Animal Type: Rats & Mice*Number in Package: 1 pk *Collapsible: No *Assembled Depth: 3 in. *Material: Plastic *Assembly Required: No *Assembled Height: 8 in. *Assembled Width: 7.5 in. *Pre-loaded with 4 ounce bait block *Child and dog resistant *See through lid for easy bait monitoring *Effectively kills rats and mice while providing the highest level of station security *Active Ingredient: Bromethalin *Kills up to 10 rats
Victor Easy Set Spring Mouse Trap 4 pk
*Product Type: Snap Trap
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 4 pk
*Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Animal Size: Small
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: No
Victor Easy Set Spring Rat Trap 1 each
*Product Type: Snap Trap
*Animal Type: Rats
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Safe for Pets: No
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Animal Size: Medium
*Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
Brand Name: Victor
*Trap Style: Electronic
*Product Type: Animal Trap
*Animal Type: Rats
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Animal Size: Medium
Brand Name: Tomcat
*Product Type: Glue Board
*Organic: No
*Pest Type: Crawling/Flying Insects
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Product Form: Glue
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Number in Package: 4 pk
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Safe for Pets: No
JT Eaton JAWZ Pro Series Rat Depot Small
*Sub Brand: JAWZ Pro Series
*Trap Style: Covered
*Product Type: Animal Trap
*Animal Type: Rats
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Animal Size: Small
*Safe for Pets: No
*Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
*Hides unsightly trapped rats
*Easy to set
*Refillable with Ace No. 7567365
JT Eaton JAWZ Pro Series Small Snap Mo
*Sub Brand: JAWZ Pro Series
*Product Type: Snap Trap
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 2 pk
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
*Animal Size: Small
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Easy to set with hand or foot
*Trap set indicator warning
*Bait reservoir
JAWZ RAT&CHIPMUNK TRAP *Brand Name: JT Eaton *Sub Brand: JAWZ Pro Series *Trap Size: Small *Trap Style: Snap *Product Type: Trap *Animal Type: Chipmunks and Rats *Number in Package: 1 pk *Height: 4.4 in. *Width: 2.2 in. *Depth: 2.4 in. *Trap Type: Kill Trap *Disposable or Reusable: Reusable *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor *Safe for Pets: No *Small
Victor Kill Vault Kill and Contain Mous
*Sub Brand: Kill Vault
*Trap Style: Covered
*Product Type: Animal Trap
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 2 pk
*Trap Type: Kill Trap
*Animal Size: Small
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
Brand Name: Tomcat
*Trap Style: Live Catch
*Product Type: Animal Trap
*Animal Type: Mice
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Trap Type: Live Animal Trap
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Width: 2.75 in.
*Animal Size: Small
*Depth: 2 in.
*Safe for Pets: No
*Height: 8.25 in.
*Product Type: Bait Station
*Product Form: Blocks
*Animal Type: Mice
*Active Ingredient: Cholecalciferol
*Safe for Pets: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*2 entry locations
*Place in corners
*Child and pet tamper resistant
*Formulated to encourage repetitive feeding
*New formula, Replaces Ace No. 7566730
"VICTOR" DISPOSABLE MOUSE BAIT STATION *Active ingredient: bromethalihn *Fast kill station *Ready to use, no need to touch the bait when placing *Contains 2 prefilled disposable stations *Each station contains .75 oz. of bait *Indoor use in kitchens, attics, basements and garages